i need advice..
Hey babes ,I just joined the jerzigirls community 🧚🏽.I need some advice 😩,I have had the same TOXIC friend group since the end of 2018.Every year its the same thing with these guys ,there is always drama about nothing and then we distance from each other and we all stop being friends,.but the main girl is Harmony (very self centered ,very controlling ) we stopped being friends 😗..But I don"t have no other friends 😔so NEW FRIENDS ANYONE 🖤? I also need relationship advice , family issues, etc..
Hey babes💞✨ ill be your friend but if they are toxic DROP them i mean u can find new friends but you guys can be acquaintances Its not really that hard to make new ones just be yourself and im sure someone will want to be your friend but im here for anything else you have💗🦋
Hey babes you can talk to me anytime you want, I am free almost the entire day so email me and ill try to answer back as fast as a possibly can. Or DM me but i wont be able to answer back any of my DM's because my phone broke and I have to go get a new one :). My email is sara.20aguilera@gmail.com feel free to contact me any time you feel in need to! Love you all! 😊🤗💞💞💖✨
Hey we can talk anytime as long as your comfortable. Cut off anybody that’s not giving the same energy or effort as you because you deserve better and you will find better. If you need to talk about anything let me know. Glad your here!! 💕
who me or tatiana
hey we can be friends if u want?
np luvie😘