Hey babes ,I just joined the jerzigirls community 🧚🏽.I need some advice 😩,I have had the same TOXIC friend group since the end of 2018.Every year its the same thing with these guys ,there is always drama about nothing and then we distance from each other and we all stop being friends,.but the main girl is Harmony (very self centered ,very controlling ) we stopped being friends 😗. NOW me and this girl Shyla have been friends for half a year and we stopped being friends and things since she never liked how my energy was or how I dressed,and how I was always laughing,but I never wanted to say anything or accept the fact that she was very toxic. Last week I accepted her as a friend again , since I was learned to forgive ,but never forget 🦋 but at the same time I don"t want to go thru the toxic friendship again 😪,with the same friend group .But I don"t have no other friends 😔so NEW FRIENDS ANYONE 🖤?
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Hey Naya , Welcome hun ! Feel free to spill your guts here no judgement and we'll try our best to help. Try to remember at the end of the day it's your choice and road to take.
I'm proud of you for taking a step and talk about what's bothering you. I think alot of us can say we relate to toxic with friendships and relationships. It's so hard finding the right friends.
My advice to you is yes, be there for them but don't give your all if that makes since. Because than you might get hurt I understand that they are your only friends. Remember that friends come and go and new ones always come!
Open yourself to new friendships still have your guard up but not to high! Don't close yourself trust me on that get to know others. This is a grate experience for you , your going to meet alot of us and become good friends with us because we all understand eachother in one way or other.
Don't hurt yourself if you know they'll hurt you than walk away you don't need neagtivty in your life. I'm proud of you for not keeping the hate. One thing is forgetting the other is letting go. So love spread those beautiful wings of yours and fly and let go , everything will be okay.
You'll find new friends the good ones will stay and you'll always learn something from the good ones and bad ones. Good friends and people are there we just sometimes are blinded.
Keep going and have that crown high I believe in you! Stay postive and safe God bless! If you want to talk more let me know I'm here for you we all are ! 💛🦋✨#Jerzigirlz&boyz
honestly just make sure they know how you feel and if they cant except that then girl just get yourself out that negative position and girl if you cant make friends know you have all of us on here