So I just wanted to like see if you could say anything to me that would make me feel better I guess about what has happened to me recently :)
So in October last year I got home late & my mum got really angry, she smashed my phone up, starting packing my bags & said I needed to leave to go to my dad's. I don't have a great relationship with my dad so I walked with some clothes & stayed at my friends. My mum called the police & I stayed at my friends for a few more days before going back home like the next week. A month later it happened again but not because I was late home or anything, my mum just got angry and so I walked out of the house on a weekend & went to see my boyfriend, I then went back home at like 8pm & my mum was super annoyed. Eventually I ended up going to my dad's & I saw my boyfriend like every day I could. Then I went away for Christmas with my dad instead of my mum which she & my sister were super upset about. When I got back I saw my boyfriend a few more times, one of the times I went to meet him & one of his mates that goes to my school & we ended up going to my boyfriend's mate's house. My boyfriend's mate then was like 'have you two had sex yet?' I didn't say anything but my boyfriend was like 'nah, not yet but we will'. I didn't speak up but it ended up that my boyfriend's mate left the room for a bit & we had sex. We went out, got lit & then I ended up using my boyfriend's phone to call my dad to pick me up. A few days later I met my boyfriend with a whole big group of people. When I went home I had people messaging me saying 'I'm so sorry about you & ....', stuff like that. I then messaged my boyfriend & he said that he changed his mind about being with me & he didn't want to speak to me ever again. I've had the police involved with me, I almost got put into foster care, all because of the people I'm friends with & the way people treat me makes me behave. He used me for sex, I really loved him & I didn't understand why he broke up with me because of the way he treated me & the way we looked & spoke to each other. I still can't get over him or what he did to me but there isn't anyone I can speak to.
I just wanted to see if you could relate more with the boyfriend thing & how I can recover from it. I can't speak to my friends or my ex because I don't have any kind of phone as my mum can't afford it & my dad won't speak to my mum or me or my sister.
My name is Dotty, I live in England & I'm gonna turn 15 soon.
@Lil Jerz #jerzigirlz
Hey love, never blame yourself for something that someone did to you. You were the best girlfriend you could be to him because every chance you had you went to see him. Just make sure to learn from any mistakes you may have made along the way, talk to people that care about you and stay positive always. If you want to talk more let me know !!
Hey dotty im Tei. Im from hawaii, im sorry that you had to go through so much. I understand being kicked out and yk going between gaurdians- and what you ex did; straight disrespectful,stupid, and rude. Dont let what he did to you just break you down, build from it. Your worthy !! Id suggest going to a counselor center or a therapist, it has some great outcomes. I will always be here sis, and even if your parents wont talk to eachother or you, you have all of us and we will be here for you!!! ily girl and keep me posted on anything ok ?
hi dotty, i know how you feel i cant imagine that happening and what went through your head. my cousin had a beautiful girlfriend who had been dating for 7 months after he had sex with her he broke up with her because he didn't like the way she did it. it was their first time and she cried to me a lot. do not let anyone make you feel less than or that you arent enough, i know you are and you deserve way better. i hope you feel better about the situation and just know you are beautiful just the way you are.
I understand what you are going thru and the advice I give you is to look for a counseling center. I went to counseling for about 6 to 8 months and it really helped with my behavior and it also helped with getting a better connection with my family members.
Dotty, first off he doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like you. I know how that feels someone just using you and you feeling like the whole time that person loves you. It's so hard these days us girls think that a boy will make such a difference and they do because we experience so much that well help us grow. But we don't need no boy to makes us feel a certain way. You are very very young still you have so much to look forward to , and it can get hard at times you will hit your head not once not twice many times but you will learn and grow from your mistakes and struggles. Focus on you have fun do things you love. You can talk to us we are here to help :).I know you would like a phone but time we'll tell for the mean time do things around the house try different things (write , draw , color) they might sound broding but it helps trust me. Family relationships are I feel like the hardest because that's your family and it's important. I'm going through family struggles at the moment and what I've learned is respect them if you want respect. It's hard for me to give advice on that because all family's are different. But you can get through this try to think positive okay? Try talking to your family and respect them I know they can get under your skin. Just take a deep breath and take a step baby steps okay? Have a great day and we're here for you God bless 💗
I went through something close to like that. After me and my ex broke up I started focusing on myself and became better. I don't have any relationship with my dad. And my mom is still a very long story so I'm living with my grandparents. I think the best thing to do is work on your self. Don't let no boy use you for sex and for your parents just try your hardest to fix the relationship. For your phone, try to save money some way and buy it your self. And if u need someone to talk to I'm here if u need it.