Hi i am new to the #jerzgirls and i wanted to come on here and talk about me.......
I am a basic 13 year old with dreams and plans for my future. I enjoy spending time with my family and getting to learn more about my family history
I suffer with depression and anxiety it all started when I was about 5, my mom and dad had the best bond until my mom found out she was pregnant and mind you she was working at the time, she told my dad and well his reaction wasn't the best..... he started calling my mom a whore, a prostitute, basically everything that you wouldn't want to be called in front of your 2 children. and thats when the changes started, my mom quit her job and was making sure that the baby was doing fine and was healthy, my dad on the other hand started his addictions to drugs and alcohol, he would hit my mom and leave her with black eyes and bruises everywhere mind you this is while she was pregnant, luckily the baby was born and he is now in school enjoying his life, on the day my brother was born i just happened to break my leg, my parents couldn't do anything because they were in the hospital having a baby, so next day my mom gets home from having a baby and rushes me to the ER long story short we were there for like 8 hours and then went home with my entire left leg in a big heavy cast (not really fun) then a few days later we were kicked out of our apartment and lived in a hotel for a week next thing we know child support it outside the hotel waiting for us to get there me and my 2 younger siblings end up in foster homes for 8 months and my mom was in court every single month fighting for me and my siblings. she ends up winning the case and gets full custody while my dad clearly told the judge he didn't give a fuck about us so he end up getting immigrated for violations he was doing we moved out of Cali and ended up in Charlotte NC and we are living our best life with my step-dad who is more of a dad then my actual dad ever was. i now have 3 more younger siblings and im great. i do miss my dad and cry because of it but i know that god made me leave him for a reason. ily gurlssssss <3 much love follow me on insta @um_no.saraaa for advice and just a good convo !!