Heyy ik it's been a while since I've been on here but YES!!!😫 I do have Covid and the Flu... it started on November 1, 2020, when I got my first symptom. I felt like my nose was stuffy and it was burning from the inside and I lost my sense of smell and later on that night my throat started hurting. On November 2, 2020, I started getting more symptoms which were loss of taste and I started breathing really hard to the point where my lungs started hurting. On November 3, 2020, I decided to call my doctor and schedule an appointment for that same day, I got there and they asked me how I was feeling and what were my symptoms. I told them and they did the covid, flu, and strep test on me. It took them like 20 mins to get the results back and they called me and told me that I came out positive for Covid and the FLU but negative for step. Its bearly day 1 of me being on quarantine and I'm already frustrated, im tired of being alone in my room by myself, I have depression, and it's gotten worst now, I've got anxiety attacks, I've lasted up to 3 hrs crying. I would always wear my mask sanitize my hands disinfect the rooms, the kitchen, the living room, the restroom, everything but somehow I still got it.I sometimes even have the thoughts that I won't make it out and these are the last days of my life. I try my hardest to not give up because I have a 6yr old and a 7yr old sister, and have promised them much stuff and want to be able to enjoy time with them and be the mom figure that my mom wasn't able to be for them. As some of yall read in my last post I lost another baby and my baby fathers and I became best friends. He has been with me since 2 weeks ago that I wasn't feeling confident about myself, I was having suicidal thoughts, I would cry myself to sleep every day...it was just bad and he was there for me just like now. Yesterday when I told him my results came out positive he sent me my favorite food, flowers, and made a big gift for me to open a little gift inside of it every day until I got rid of covid he doesn't know how many days Im going to have it so he just put 45 little gifts because he has faith in me that I will make it through this virus and covid. YOU...YEA YOU ON THE LIGHT SIDE OF YOUR DEVICE... WEAR A MASK!!! I CONT CARE WHO YOU ARE WITH IT DOESNT NOT MATTER IF ITS WITH FAMILY, FRIENDS, YOUR BOYFRIEND...IT DOES NOT MATTER STAY SAFE AND IF YOU LOVE EVERYBODY AROUND YOU KEEP THEM SAFE AS WELL. WE NEVER KNOW WHEN OUR LAST DAY WILL BE SO CHERISH EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE THAT GOD IS GIVING YOU💗💛 MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AMEN🙏🏼
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Thank you and yes I will keep on fighting 💕
You are very strong. Sorry to hear about all that’s going on but keep fighting for yourself and the people you love. I’m here supporting you. If you wanna talk let me know!! 💕
Hey babes, all prayers sent to you and your family. I hope for the best and wish that all this over soon!! i love you stay strong
I hope your better soon bby💗💗
I hope you feel better soon 💖
I hope you get better soon just know that you are perfect the way you are and I'm sorry for your loss and if you want to talk I posted the stuff for my zoom I'll leave it up and whenever you want to come you can come